It all begins with synaesthesia: the sounds that I can see, and the shapes that I can hear. Immersed within a constant flow of abstract sensations, I often feel the need to share such perceptions with others. This process is not at all simple, requiring knowledge, experience, and swiftness of the mind. When inspiration arises, I create sounds and organize them into established forms of arrangement, rhythms, and tonalities. This process makes it easier for listeners to understand and enjoy the complex and vast soundscapes. For a music producer, the challenge lies in extracting ideas from the unconscious world and turning them into a language to which the listeners can relate. On a daily basis, the human mind collects astronomical amounts of data, moving at the speed of light. The art of producing lies in identifying useful information, chasing it, framing it, and transforming it into a piece of music, before it’s too late; before the creative moment is suppressed by the following truckload of overpowering sensations. As a music producer, I strive to evoke strong emotions in my listeners, similar to those that I feel when I hear, see, and touch music in my head.






Live Set - June 24 2022 @ Grande Loge de France, Paris (FR)

error: Yeah, right !!